Make changes you can sustain. Don’t
be one of those cliché idiots who join the gym and never go. If you aren’t realistically
going to get a good cost per workout rate because you’re rarely going to make
an appearance, use your money more wisely.
Make small changes with regular
short term goals rather than broad sweeping statements that have little
meaning. For example don’t make a resolution to ‘lose weight’, because it is
vague. Split your resolution into smaller, incremental changes, such as fitting
a specific exercise into your daily routine then adding to your repertoire of daily
exercises weekly, or always planning your healthy meals before making your
weekly shop, etc.
Make you resolutions with the
right motivation. Don’t make changes just to please other people, or because
you think it will make them like you more. You’ll end up failing and worse
still, feeling bad for failing. Change should be for yourself, you need to have
the desire to become the goal ‘new you’ in the first place.
Keep your resolutions positive. Don’t cut things out, instead replace negative things in your life with
positive ones. Rather than saying ‘I want to waste less time lazing on the sofa
in my spare time’, decide to start a hobby. You’re more likely to want to
pursue something new rather than stop something old.
So here are my New Year’s Resolutions:
1. Get my dream job training as a buyer.
2. Listen to more music. I’m going to make Mondays
#MusicMonday on here. I’ll be sharing whatever I’ve been listening to the
previous week; good, bad, or embarrassing. This way I’ll actively search for
new tracks to check out so I’m not just sharing the same artists all the time.
3. Make more effort to keep in contact with people by
checking in with them more often. I am flippin’ rubbish at maintaining long distance
friendships with people, so now I’m back home I want to make extra effort not
to lose anyone out of laziness. Might need to start with getting a new iPhone ASAP!
4. Sell most of my wardrobe on eBay. I hate 60% of my
clothes right now so someone else can be responsible for them.
5. Visit/eat at/go out to at least one new place a month.
6. Go on a date… maybe… possibly… probably not. I’m still not sure if
I’m commitment ready haha!
7. Have snowboarding lessons. I’ll probably as awful as I am
a skier but at least I will have tried!
8. Start posting OOTDs (outfit of the day) on my blog.
9. Complete the 30 Day Squat & Crunch Challenges. Every
time I try this I fall behind, or forget, or get my rest days mixed up, so this
time I’m going to finish them properly… with much heavier weights.
10. Watch all the shows I’ve never got round to watching;
Breaking Bad, Homeland, Pretty Little Liers, Broadchurch, just to name a few.
Don't forget #NYNM, New Year New Me, the best excuse for behaving exactly as you fancy since YOLO!
What are your New Year's Resolutions? Tell me in the comments.

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